Wednesday 26 November 2008

Argentina (by Leo)

Hey everyone! Guess what I've got some great news, I'm crawling! And forwards too! I can get into all sorts of corners and explore all the things that Mummy and Daddy don't want me too. I can even crawl over Daddy as he makes a really good playmat.
I'm having a nice time in Argentina, I've had a bit of a cough but I'm much better now thanks. It's been really hot and really cold again, it's a bit hard to know what to expect. I've met loads more animals, and made some new friends along the way too. I particularly like dogs, they make funny noises and make me laugh! I really enjoyed going on the swings, I want to visit more playparks! And Mummy and Daddy went somewhere and left me playing with lots of other children, they had some really cool toys and one girl kept showing me her stomach which was a little strange.
Mummy's been giving me new things to eat. I like bread, cheese, bananas and cereal. I also really like meat, but find it a bit hard to chew, I've only got two teeth afterall! I've

been to a beach, and had a picnic by a beautiful lake and seen some wonderful views. And Daddy would have shown me more from my view in the sling but I was asleep for some of it. Ok a lot of it.
I had another haircut but this one wasn't as much fun, I didn't

get my own chair and had to sit on Mummy's knee, it was rubbish.

Mummy says I look really cute though, more grown up. I like to think 'more distinguished'!
Lots of love, Leonardo xx

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